Small-Scale Project. Ample power to protect our coast.
Power for tens of thousands of Maine homes. Power to create thousands of Maine jobs. Power to protect the Gulf of Maine from growing threats to its species from rising temperatures. Power to harness UMaine’s homegrown technology. Power to make data-driven decisions and maximize compatibility with all ocean users. All this is possible through the Maine Research Array.
The Research Array:

Utilizes UMaine’s VolturnUS patented floating platform technology, making it an important demonstration of Maine’s culture of innovation.​

Produces up to 144 MW of renewable energy that will be delivered to the Maine grid. That’s enough clean electricity to meet the annual electricity needs of all the households in Sagadahoc, Lincoln, Knox, and Waldo counties combined.

Is planned as 10 turbines located within a lease area of approximately 15.2 square miles. That’s only four tenths of 1 percent of the 36,000 square miles of ocean in the Gulf of Maine. ​

Is located approximately 40 miles offshore, outside of state waters where 75% of Maine’s lobster catch is landed. ​

Balances the needs and safety of all ocean users by reducing potential impacts to wildlife and fisheries and minimizes impacts to navigation and national defense.

Removes approximately 978 million pounds of carbon dioxide from the atmosphere each year—that’s the equivalent of taking more than 105,000 fuel-burning cars off the road each year, recycling more than 150,000 tons of waste instead of landfilling it, or avoiding consumption of more than one million barrels of oil.

Will generate more than $1 Billion in economic activity for the State of Maine.
The Site.
Site selection for the Maine Research Array was an extensive, multi-party coordinated effort over a period of many years. It involved in-depth studies and analysis, careful attention to environmental impact, engagement with hundreds of individuals, and hundreds of hours of workshops and meetings with stakeholders including fishing and other marine industry leaders.
The result is a small site in the Gulf of Maine that has minimal conflict or overlap with lobster, fish and fisheries, marine mammals and sea turtles, avian species, military use areas, vessel traffic and navigation, and visual and cultural resources.
In May 2024, the federal Bureau of Ocean Energy Management (BOEM) presented the State of Maine with an official Research Lease in the Gulf of Maine.
Research Lease Site

Fisheries Density (Extensive studies show site has little overlap with fishing)

Whale Sightings (Extensive studies show there are few whale sightings in or around the site)